Bureau For Listening

Bureau For Listening er et laboratorium, der ønsker at demonstrere og inddrage besøgende i forskellige lyttepraksisser. Publikum inviteres ind i 'bureau'-installationen, hvor de via performative greb, forskellige events og med hjælp fra projektets personale er med til at undersøge, hvordan man kan betragte lytning som en kunstnerisk, kritisk og relationel praksis i sig selv. En unik mulighed for at være med til at dyrke forskellige lyttepraksisser og lære af forskellige lyttesituationer.


Thursday May 23rd


Open bureau

The bureau is open and invites you to engage with a series of listening manuals, services and installations within an environment for a possible office for listening. There will be a reading room with different resources on/for listening available. All of it is possible to access on your own.

A Place to Lay Down and Listen

A series of mattresses with beddings and headsets will invite you to simply lay down and listen. A series of different sound pieces and scores for laying down will be available. This piece might be set-up at different locations at Institute for X during the festival.


Friday May 24th


Open bureau

The bureau is open, and invites you to engage with a series of listening manuals, services and installations within an environment for a possible office for listening. There will be a reading room with different resources on/for listening available. All of it is possible to access on your own.

A Place to Lay Down and Listen

A series of mattresses with beddings and headsets will invite you to simply lay down and listen. A series of different sound pieces and scores for laying down will be available. This piece might be set-up at different locations at Institute for X during the festival.


Listening Counseling with Bureau Staff

Meet an employee of Bureau for Listening and optimize your listening.


Listen With... (A Listening Walk) (SPOR version)

Participate in a simple guided physical explorative listening session (aka Listening Walk), with a following sharing and workshop.


Saturday May 25th


Open bureau

The bureau is open, and invites you to engage with a series of listening manuals, services and installations within an environment for a possible office for listening. There will be a reading room with different resources on/for listening available. All of it is possible to access on your own.

A Place to Lay Down and Listen

A series of mattresses with beddings and headsets will invite you to simply lay down and listen. A series of different sound pieces and scores for laying down will be available. This piece might be set-up at different locations at Institute for X during the festival.


Silent Writing Workshop

Participate in an easy going creative and reflective silent writing workshop, facilitated by Bureau for Listening staff.


Listening Counseling with Bureau Staff

Meet an employee of Bureau for Listening and optimize your listening.


Listen With... (A Listening Walk) (SPOR version)

Participate in a simple guided physical explorative listening session (aka Listening Walk), with a following sharing and workshop.


Sunday May 26th


Listening Club

The Listening Club is a nomadic space and community, where we gather around the experience of listening to evoking sounds. It’s an attempt to continue to expand and re-experience what it means to listen – among others – in a sensuous, critically, empathic and artistic way. For this edition we will listen together to the Wasserorgel by Torben Laib. Torben will also join the session.


A Place to Lay Down and Listen

A series of mattresses with beddings and headsets will invite you to simply lay down and listen. A series of different sound pieces and scores for laying down will be available. This piece might be set-up at different locations at Institute for X during the festival.



Palmehaven, Institut for X / Havnefronten ved Poseidon


12.00 - 17.00 torsdag den 23. maj / Palmehaven, Institut for X

12.00 - 17.00 fredag den 24. maj / Palmehaven, Institut for X

10.00 - 16.00 lørdag den 25. maj /Palmehaven, Institut for X

10.00 - 12.00 søndag den 26. maj / Havnefronten ved Poseidon




Bureau For Listening

Støttet af Statens Kunstfond

Foto: Mønes